,,Experience has taught me that the best and most effective way to generate publicity and positive outcomes is to be embedded in the business. I am constantly amazed at the stories that can come from simple chats around the coffee machine or casual conversations.There’s no way you can hear these things if you are working remotely, either from an agency or from home.You have to be there, building relationships and forming some wonderful friendships along the way.,,
Publicity and Public Relations build both brand recognition and market share.
Managed effectively, they allow you to talk directly to your target audience.
There are several avenues available to secure positive publicity outcomes for your organisation from traditional media and sponsorship through to social and digital media.
Drawing upon an extensive network of media contacts, both here and around Australia, Georgina is in a prime position to help you engage with your audience.
Like most industries, journalism and public relations are all about relationships. It’s a two way street and stepping out on to that street can be very rewarding.
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